Dippy Embryo Adoption Fundraiser

Created 3 years ago
Embryo Adoption

Dippy Embryo Adoption Fundraiser


Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $575.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$575.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.

JESSICA DIPPY is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My Husband Matthew and I were married in 2017. We both wanted to build a family. We were so excited to start trying to become pregnant after taking a couple years for ourselves. After months of trying with no results and feeling heartbroken each time there was no positive test we knew something was wrong. We went to see our doctor and were referred to a fertility specialist. We found out it would be nearly impossible for us to conceive naturally. IVF would be our only chance of having a child but we had to go through treatments before even that would be possible. We tried the treatments and there was some improvement but not as much as we would have liked. Our chances of being able to harvest and use our own embryos was still slim.
Our specialist lined out all our options from still trying to harvest our own embryos with a small window of opportunity but a large possibility of more heartache. Then he proposed using using egg and sperm donors in various approaches. Next was something we had only heard of recently, embryo adoption.
Embryo adoption we saw as our best opportunity. We still wanted to be able to have the experience of having a baby and this would allow the best chances of that happening. After adopting an embryo we would use IVF to get pregnant and hopefully become parents. After over a year of heartbreaking news we finally found a silver lining.
If you’re not familiar with embryo adoption how it works is couples like us that have struggled to have a child and used IVF and have leftover embryos can choose to donate them to give them a chance at life and help couples that can’t create their own embryos. These frozen embryos are sent to the clinic of the adopting parents and used in IVF.
Unfortunately this process comes with a large price tag. When given the breakdown we were told to estimate at least $9,000 – $10,000 but depending on how things progress possibly more. We would ask our family and friends that if you would like to partner with us in our goal of parenthood please consider a donation. No amount is too small. If you can’t donate please pray for us on this journey. It really does take a village to raise a child and sometimes it takes a village to give that child life. We thank you all for your love and support!

Name Donation Date
Evan Niemier $100.00 March 03, 2022
Trantham Lucy $50.00 March 01, 2022
Shannon Hart $25.00 February 27, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 February 27, 2022
Trantham Lucy $50.00 February 21, 2022
Bonnie Evans $200.00 February 19, 2022
Tracy Gilliland $50.00 February 19, 2022